Josh's Pain Cave

text : Josh Tyrrell - photo : Gophrette Power


After finishing 2015 season not being totally satisfied with my results in the many races that I took part in, I decided that I was going to set some pretty high goals for myself and work my ass of to achieve them. (see the side panel)

In order to give myself the best chances at these results I have had to make some serious sacrifices in my life to put the time in to develop the strength. In the past I would say the one thing holding my back was strength. I was always so close to being able to make a lasting attack on the peleton, but obviously not close enough. So I have hired on a coach, him and I are working together 5 a days a week on building up the base strength and giving me every possible chance at achieving my goals.

I do spend quite a great numbers of hours per week on the bike,  and space is limited chez moi, so I have to set myself up in the kitchen of my small 3 ½ apartment. Its not pretty, but its my pain cave, and it is here that I will push myself to the limit to achieve my goals.

2015 was a great season, and I am really looking forward to another great year with a great team. I wouldn’t be where I am at today without the support of so many people. So for that , Thank you!  State Bicycle, Velo Ibike, thanks for the continued support! Heres to another great year!


Josh's 2016 goals :

Now these are just the major key events. I will be taking part in many other races of smaller caliber throughout the season, and my goal going into the races is to come out with the W

Few intervals after a long working day in the Josh's Pain Cave